What the Easter Bunny Won’t Tell You
Philippians 3:10
- The Bunny Won’t Tell you the Price of Easter
- The Bunny Won’t Tell you the Power of Easter
- The Bunny Won’t Tell you the Promise of Easter
- The Bunny Won't Tell you the Priority of Easter
Living in a Good Friday World with an Easter Sunday Faith
John 11:25
- Our Good Friday circumstances Don’t Stop God from Being God
- Our Good Friday circumstances allow us to be Recipients of the Good News
- Our Good Friday circumstances allow us to Rejoice in New Life
Reaffirming Our Faith in the Area of Stewardship
2 Corinthians 9:7
- God Owns Everything
- We Are Called to Be Stewards
Now is the Time for Stewardship:
A Church Worth Talking About
- Gives Proportionally
- Gives Sacrificially
- Gives Willingly
- Gives Eagerly
- Gives Wholeheartedly
Wilderness Priorities
Matthew 4:1-11
- The Priority of the Word vs. 3-4
- The Priority of the Walk vs. 5-7
- The Priority of the Worship vs. 9-10
The Prodigal
Luke 15:11-32
- Why Did The Son Leave Home?
- What Did HE Lose When He Left Home?
- How Did He Return ?
- How Did The Older Brother Respond?
- How Did the Father Respond?
Courage Counts
Acts 4:23-31
Quote from Winston Churchill: “Success is never final. Failure is never fatal. It’s courage that counts.”
How to Handle Fear
- Be assured God sees your problem (v.29)
- Pray for courage and confidence (v.29)
- Ask God to make up the difference (v.30)
We Need Courage to:
- Seek the Truth
- Change
- Express convictions
- Overcome obstacles
- Learn and grow
- Take the high road
- Lead
Character Traits of Successful Christians
Mark 2:1-12
- A Character Trait of the Successful Christian is a Concerned Spirit (vs. 3)
- A Character Trait of the Successful Christian is a Cooperative Spirit (vs. 3b)
- A Character Trait of the Successful Christian is a Christ-Centered Spirit (vs. 3-4)
- A Character Trait of the Successful Christian is a Creative Spirit (vs. 4-5)
It’ a New Day
Joshua 1:1-10
- A Call to Claim the Land – v. 1-4
- A Call to Have Confidence in the Lord – v. 5-6, 9
- A Call to Carry Out the Law – v. 7-8
- A Call to Courage in Leadership – v. 6a, 7a, 9a