
The Prodigal - Luke 15:11-32

The Prodigal
Luke 15:11-32

  1.  Why Did The Son Leave Home?
  2. What Did HE Lose When He Left Home?
  3. How Did He Return ?
  4. How Did The Older Brother Respond?
  5. How Did the Father Respond?



Courage Counts - Acts 4:23-31

Courage Counts
Acts 4:23-31

Quote from Winston Churchill:  “Success is never final.  Failure is never fatal.  It’s courage that counts.”

 How to Handle Fear

  1. Be assured God sees your problem (v.29)
  2. Pray for courage and confidence (v.29)
  3. Ask God to make up the difference (v.30)

We Need Courage to:

  1. Seek the Truth
  2. Change
  3. Express convictions
  4. Overcome obstacles
  5. Learn and grow
  6. Take the high road
  7. Lead



Character Traits of Successful Christians - Mark 2:1-12

Character Traits of Successful Christians
Mark 2:1-12

  • A Character Trait of the Successful Christian is a Concerned Spirit (vs. 3)
  • A Character Trait of the Successful Christian is a Cooperative Spirit (vs. 3b)
  • A Character Trait of the Successful Christian is a Christ-Centered Spirit  (vs. 3-4)
  • A Character Trait of the Successful Christian is a Creative Spirit (vs. 4-5)



It's a New Day - Joshua 1:1-10

It’ a New Day
Joshua 1:1-10

  1. A Call to Claim the Land – v. 1-4
  2. A Call to Have Confidence in the Lord – v. 5-6, 9
  3. A Call to Carry Out the Law – v. 7-8
  4. A Call to Courage in Leadership – v. 6a, 7a, 9a
