A Lesson about Righteousness
Luke 18:9-14
The Parable Contrasted
Two different people.
Two different prayers.
Two different pronouncements.
Two different principles.
The Pharisee The Tax Collector
Some Truths to Consider:
1. The righteousness that God requires cannot be produced by man.
a. God’s standard is perfect.
b. Man’s nature is corrupt.
c. Self-righteousness is both deceiving and destructive.
2. The righteousness that God requires is granted as a gift.
a. Righteousness is a gift of God’s grace.
b. Righteousness is received by faith.
c. Righteousness is based on the work of Jesus alone.
3. The way to be righteous and the way to live righteously begins with humility.
a. The way of the world is the exaltation of self.
b. The way of the Kingdom is the humiliation of self.